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Accelerate has created a selection of videos to help patients look after their leg health, and for healthcare professionals to safely optimise the treatment of leg ulcers and lower limb conditions – helping to reduce the burden on patients and community nurses at this challenging time. Check out the below videos for an easy but safe seated exercise routine, and some useful information on footwear.
The overall benefits of exercise are widely known but often overlooked. Exercise is imperative for healing, so anyone with leg issues would aim to schedule in daily exercise as this can speed up the recovery process for lower limb conditions. It’s a good idea to keep a diary of the exercise you’re doing so you can work towards exercise goals in an organised way.
If you’re a healthcare professional, communicating the importance of daily exercise to patients is vital so they understand the benefits it will have on their healing. Daily exercise can reduce swelling which will allow improved blood flow to the affected area and speed up recovery. Encourage patients to have exercise goals and keep a record of what they achieve with the Accelerate exercise diary.
Watch the below video for a safe and easy seated exercise routine.
Accelerate wants patients to feel supported and comfortable in their footwear without compromising their style. This video is the ideal place for both patients and carers to understand the importance of a well-fitting shoe, the benefits it can bring and where to buy appropriate footwear for all wound and lymphoedema patients.